Tuesday, 9 February 2016

AJS forgets his past

 He has a brain fart and forgets his past.

"There are very few people in the world that make me want to harm them...and I can't think of a solitary segment of society that makes me feel like a bigot...except for those damn anti-spammers...so to speak. There's just something about a person that believes he/she has supreme authority over someone else's ability to communicate effectively that makes me feel some sick sense of enjoyment at their miseries. It's actually quite disturbing because I know they are fucked up in the head, have about the same social life as a cop...which is one of the saddest things in human society in itself...and most of them are sexual deviants of some kind...but even with that knowledge...I still don't feel empathy for them. I need to work on this."

Posted on his Facebook page <https://www.facebook.com/stephensboy/posts/10153851607307208?pnref=story>

 He forgets that he is known for his sexual deviance of selling video clips of "Peanut Butter Farts" as recorded on this blog


Andrew Jacob Stephens tries to lie is way out of trouble

Posting as Neo, Andrew tries to avoid the question as to why he used his edataking account at Vimeo to show two disgusting videos. Hardly the sort of thing that a God fearing Pastor would be associated with!
On Saturday, February 9, 2013 10:41:53 AM UTC-5, MTA admin wrote:
> Why the edataking logo burned in to the video then?
After seeing a screenshot of this alleged evidence, it is clear that there is no edataking watermark.  In fact, someone has simply created a Vimeo account and uploaded the edataking image to their profile.  Probably another character assassination move by one of your group.  No one else would do such a thing.




Befitting of his status, he might like to play with this toy doll.