From: Ass Pie Hater
Subject: Re: Since Scoville Littered the Thread, here is My Position on Larose
Being a Pedophile
Date: Mon, 6 Aug 2012 20:27:12 -0700 (PDT)
On Monday, August 6, 2012 10:45:08 AM UTC-4, Robert Bonomi wrote:
> Note; that there were 'no charges filed' is *not* proof that you didn't
> do it, it only proves that you "didn't get caught", if you did do it.
> You claim it can be 'easily disproven', show us how it is done.
You are arguing apples and oranges, which is why I regularly ignore you and=
give you partial responses. The assumption is that Darrell HAS been accus=
ed of doing so and MAY HAVE been charged at some point. I, on the other ha=
nd, have NEVER been accused of anything remotely close to a sex-offense, no=
r has anyone ever CONSIDERED that I had (in meatspace that is. I have no i=
dea what crazy shit you all consider). America makes it VERY easy to estab=
lish whether or not someone has been accused or charged with such an offens=
e, whereas Canada hides facts from the public. If I were in Canada, I woul=
d simply go to a Barrister or Officer of the Court and have a notarized doc=
ument drawn up refuting the accusation of any public accusation of charge i=
n such a case. I would do so because the accusation is so grossly despicab=
le that I would want to disprove it in the most authentic way that I could.=
I am merely pointing out that he has no real desire to refute it in any w=
ay other than pointing out circumstances about Scoville's idiotic way of fi=
ghting and playing 'war games'. My observations are more than a little cir=
cumstantial evidence, they are a stack of them that would make a Criminal P=
rofiling Unit investigate further. They, in themselves, do not represent e=
nough evidence to charge or convict anyone of such an offense however. So,=
my answer to your question is quite simple...I don't fit the profile and h=
e does!