Tuesday, 8 November 2016

Andrew shows his dislike...........

........for anti-spammers.

From his Facebook account on Feb. 7th, 2016.
There are very few people in the world that make me want to harm them...and I can't think of a solitary segment of society that makes me feel like a bigot...except for those damn anti-spammers...so to speak. There's just something about a person that believes he/she has supreme authority over someone else's ability to communicate effectively that makes me feel some sick sense of enjoyment at their miseries. It's actually quite disturbing because I know they are fucked up in the head, have about the same social life as a cop...which is one of the saddest things in human society in itself...and most of them are sexual deviants of some kind...but even with that knowledge...I still don't feel empathy for them. I need to work on this.

Monday, 7 November 2016

Andrew needs help....

 .....to get home

From his Facebook page on October 18th, 2016.


Dear Southern Humboldt,

Our family of 4 came to Southern Humboldt last year and fell in love with the community. Unfortunately, after working at a local festival we experienced a negative event with a BLM Ranger and were required to appear in court this year.

After making the long trip from Cedar City, UT to Eureka...the case was dismissed appropriately.

While making the trip back down the 101 we experienced a breakdown in Rio Dell. Being AAA members, we felt confident all would be handled, but unfortunately there were no AAA drivers who could tow it. There were also no mobile mechanics to help. So, we did the work ourselves without much knowledge of such things. After re-studding the rear wheel, we got on our way. We got to the Humboldt/Mendocino County line where we broke down again. Since it is the same wheel, it appears we did something wrong when "fixing" it.

After another unsuccessful attempt at using AAA, All in One Towing were the only ones who could do the job. We had to pay out of pocket $1300 @ $325 an hour (everything we had) and we had nowhere to take the motorhome.

The only place we have any ties is Garberville and Redway. Those ties are just from working with The Mateel and Eel River Cleanup Project so we don't feel comfortable bringing our problems to them at this time, without knowing if that is the right route.

We are in desperate need of some assistance out of this situation and are hoping someone out there can help with the repairs on the RV or some type of temporary room and board or labor to pay for necessities. We thank you and hope to be valued family in this community until we can get back home.

The Kellison Family


Suspicious minded people might like to check how the trial went. The cynic in me wonders whether he got fined rather than breaking down.

Stephens, Andrew Jacob-Defendant MasterCal 10 a.m. CR1504421B.
Found on <https://lostcoastoutpost.com/judged/2016/oct/17/>
The date of the trial is Oct 17th, 2016

Friday, 29 April 2016

Andrew revisits the past......

........ and tries to re-write his history.

"From his Facebook page

I still find it quite hilarious how CAUCE, who are
Spamhaus-supporters...made it a point to call us, at STOPhaus,
"organized criminals". May I point out that not a single solitary
person involved with STOPhaus were arrested for the Spamhaus attacks.
There was a 15 year old kid, known as Narko, who was arrested for
having nudes of his girlfriend on his computer...which he apparently
forgot to destroy after the attack. There was also an arrest on Sven
from Cyberbunker...but the last I heard he beat that case. It was not
for the attack either, but rather some things found in his residence
in Spain.

To put this in perspective in American values...I was questioned and
my computers and servers were all seized and analyzed...but there was
no evidence to make an arrest. Instead, a few weeks later I got a call
from a private security firm offering me a job tracking
terrorism...like REAL TERRORISM. I spent the next 2 years tracking and
socializing with radical Shia Muslims that convince children to strap
bombs to themselves. After that I was busy tracking military personnel
who were raping young girls in Japan. After that I was busy tracking
asshat cops were spending their time sexually assaulting women in
jails. I also helped track a member of the group NANAE (a Spamhaus
support group) who was running the largest child porn server on
USENET. He was convicted and sentenced...largely based on data we
gathered and submitted to the DoJ.

Basically, I worked on REAL CRIME WITH REAL VICTIMS...until one day I
couldn't do it anymore. I just didn't have the goods it takes to work
for profit, while so many people were being victimized by State and
Military employees...so I went 100% NON-PROFIT and completely left

My statement at the time was, I will not work any job that pays taxes
until Muslims in their homeland were not being starved, bombed, and
tormented by the taxes derived from Capitalism. If that makes me an
"organized criminal"...then I will proudly wear that label for
CAUCE...but being that I took an oath to protect The Constitution
against ALL ENEMIES, both foreign AND DOMESTIC...I will continue to do
so until the day I am carried by 6."


"Narko" was listed by Mr. Stephens as a moderator of Stophaus.

As well as having pictures of his girlfriend, he also had porn on his computer that he was selling. Police seized the proceeds he made from selling this porn totaling  approx. $111,600 USD.

Mr.Stephens inadvertently assisted the police by broadcasting a picture of his chat with Narko that showed Narko's account. Oh dear, that was careless.

Amended to add further details :-

Sven from Cyberbunker (AKA Sven Olaf von Kamphuis and “Prince of Cyberbunker Republic.”) has been found guilty of being part of the DDoS on Spamhaus.

"Kamphuis seemed to honestly believe his Cyberbunker was sovereign territory, even signing his emails “Prince of Cyberbunker Republic.” Arrested in Spain in April 2013 in connection with the attack on Spamhaus, Kamphuis was later extradited to The Netherlands to stand trial. He has publicly denied being part of the attacks, but the chat logs with him coordinating the attack with co-conspirators are fairly damning considering he didn’t even use an alias in the discussions and live-posted his campaign of terror to his Facebook account.
Nevertheless, a judge in Amsterdam this week sentenced Kamphuis to a total of 240 days in jail. However, the judge also counted the 55 days Kamphuis spent awaiting extradition from Spain, and suspended the remaining 185-day sentence. No jail time for Kamphuis."

As reported by Brian Krebs at <https://krebsonsecurity.com/2016/11/adobe-fined-1m-in-multistate-suit-over-2013-breach-no-jail-for-spamhaus-attacker/>

Andrew Stephens was arrested during the investigation but deemed not important enough to charge.
Not important enough? That's got to hurt!

Friday, 1 April 2016

Pastor Andrew Stevens (AKA Andrew Stephens) revives ........

......... The Church of Common Good (AKA as The Church of Common Greed).

He has started a YouTube channel of some of his travels through the Southern States.
Included are some of his interactions with Law Enforcement  officers.


Mr. Stephens has now decided that his youtube account is no longer required.

From his Facebook page, he announces his latest intention.

"As some have pointed out, the American CULTure TV channel was deleted. We left the proof of concept footage up long enough for the noteworthy videos to be archived via other channels picking them up and the arrests were saved for legal purposes. As for the rest...you'll have to wait for the upcoming FIRST SEASON of AMERICAN CULTure TV...starting this fall on a Wi-Fi connection near you. Love you all. Namaste'"

++++++++++++++Update 2+++++++++++++++++

While Mr Stephens tells us that he hoped to start his TV Channel in the Fall of 2016, I can't seem to find any sign that he has been successful by the late Spring 2017. There is, however, still a Facebook page named as American CULTure. This has however been joined by various other incarnations of the same ilk.

Thursday, 3 March 2016

Andrew Stephens likes to ...........

.....show his ignorance.

From his Facebook page:

"It's been a long time since I put any pressure on Spamhaus, but it's not like this group has lost all their influence...they have simply STFU, which is not the same thing. Never forget that private blacklists are problematic. Ask Sammy Davis Jr."

Ask Sammy Davis Jr ?
He died on May 16th, 1990, so how should we contact him? Seance?

Tuesday, 9 February 2016

AJS forgets his past

 He has a brain fart and forgets his past.

"There are very few people in the world that make me want to harm them...and I can't think of a solitary segment of society that makes me feel like a bigot...except for those damn anti-spammers...so to speak. There's just something about a person that believes he/she has supreme authority over someone else's ability to communicate effectively that makes me feel some sick sense of enjoyment at their miseries. It's actually quite disturbing because I know they are fucked up in the head, have about the same social life as a cop...which is one of the saddest things in human society in itself...and most of them are sexual deviants of some kind...but even with that knowledge...I still don't feel empathy for them. I need to work on this."

Posted on his Facebook page <https://www.facebook.com/stephensboy/posts/10153851607307208?pnref=story>

 He forgets that he is known for his sexual deviance of selling video clips of "Peanut Butter Farts" as recorded on this blog


Andrew Jacob Stephens tries to lie is way out of trouble

Posting as Neo, Andrew tries to avoid the question as to why he used his edataking account at Vimeo to show two disgusting videos. Hardly the sort of thing that a God fearing Pastor would be associated with!
On Saturday, February 9, 2013 10:41:53 AM UTC-5, MTA admin wrote:
> Why the edataking logo burned in to the video then?
After seeing a screenshot of this alleged evidence, it is clear that there is no edataking watermark.  In fact, someone has simply created a Vimeo account and uploaded the edataking image to their profile.  Probably another character assassination move by one of your group.  No one else would do such a thing.




Befitting of his status, he might like to play with this toy doll.